The long-term effects of incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine will go beyond these uncertain times during our quarantine. By focusing on the present and living in the present moment, we can learn to tolerate uncertainty and build healthy coping skills for ourselves and for our families. Below are our Top 5 mindfulness tips to bring you solace and relaxation in the days to come.
Meditate for 10 Minutes
Sit in a relaxed, comfortable position. Focus on your breath and the feeling or the sound of air filling your lungs. If your mind starts to wander, return to your breath. The goal of meditation is to stay in the present moment, pause, and take time for yourself. We recommend starting your meditation practice with a small goal of 10-minutes and increasing the length depending on your needs and comfort.
Over time, incorporating meditation into your daily routine allows you to combat “spiraling” and mitigate the symptoms of anxiety and stress.
Go for a Walk
Shakespeare once said, “The earth has music for those who will listen.”
So add a little bounce to your step and find somewhere green to create a routine of walking outside. The recommended minimum number of minutes to boost your mood is 12-minutes, so tackle two birds with one stone and make it a mindful walk by turning your phone on “do not disturb” and recharge your inner battery.
A brisk walk has been clinically proven to improve your mood. Want to elevate that even more? Bring your pup for a stroll and he’ll thank you, too.
Get up & Stretch
Let the blood flow.
Aim to do 5 to 10 minutes of static stretching, meaning holding the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds while in a comfortable position. Since the average American spends most of their time at a desk, try stretches that will improve posture, like:
● Tricep stretch
● Overhead stretch
● Upper body and arm stretch
● Petoralis stretch
● And more!
These stretches will help eliminate back pain, improve flexibility and posture, and release any tension built up due to stress.
Practice Deep Breathing
Sometimes known as “belly breathing,” is the practice of taking deep breaths from your diaphragm. Put one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest. Slowly breathe in filling your stomach and take time to slowly breathe out, deflating your stomach.
The practice of deep breathing will help moments of anxiety and stress when your heart races and you’re unable to calm your mind down. By following this rhythmic breathing pattern, your heart rate will slowly decrease and you will fall into a meditative state, allowing you to be in the present moment.
Stay Hydrated
Recently, water has become the second most consumed beverage behind soft drinks. Somehow water, the key to reducing fatigue, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestion disorders, and more, falls second… to soft drinks. There’s more to it than drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, but let’s start there. It only takes 90-seconds to create a mindful hydration routine and here’s how:
1. Set intentions to stay hydrated.
2. Be mindful when drinking water.
Wondering how to be mindful while drinking water? Focus on the entire process of the water passing through your lips, enjoy the refreshing sensation of it filling your mouth, and pay attention to the slow feeling of it traveling down your throat. Don’t chug. Instead, take a breath and pause a moment between sips.
Tell us how incorporating these mindful methods work for you!